Oh, Twitter on the shitter,
you make my legs go blue.
Oh, Twitter on the shitter,
while i'm having a big fat poo.
Oh, Twitter on the shitter,
i'm tweeting, i just can't end.
Oh, Twitter on the shitter,
just one more tweet to send.
Oh, Twitter on the shitter,
i'm at work what can i do,
Oh, Twitter on the shitter,
can I strain another poo ?
Oh, Twitter on the shitter,
work know now what im doing.
Oh, Twitter on the shitter,
they know that i'm not pooing.
Oh, Twitter on the shitter,
i think i'll get the sack,
Oh, Twitter on the shitter,
this tweet will get them back
Oh, Twitter on the shitter,
this tweets just for my boss,
Oh, Twitter on the shitter,
i think he'll get quite cross
Oh, Twitter on the shitter,
i saw him on the bog
Oh, Twitter on the shitter,
he twitpic'd his massive log
Oh, Twitter on the shitter,
i couldn't resist to RT
Oh, Twitter on the shitter
and now he's just like me
Oh, Twitter on the shitter,
you make my legs go blue.
Oh, Twitter on the shitter,
while i'm having a big fat poo.
Oh Flappypants.